Plan C invites you to its National Congress to be held in Leeds on the weekend of 26th and 27th January 2013 (details of venue, time and agenda will be posted soon).

Download the Plan C National Congress Agenda here.

We would like to encourage as many people who feel attached to Plan C as possible to attend the Congress. In particular we want to encourage the involvement of people who want to be involved but are isolated from existing groups.

One proposal currently on the table is that Plan C has biannual Congresses to discuss national strategy with biannual delegate meetings in between to maintain coordination. We would like to run this meeting as a trail of the former. To facilitate involvement Leeds Plan C will put together a pre-congress bulletin, which will be sent out to all participants beforehand in order to help focus discussion and make sure proposals are discussed and understood in advance. This bulletin, and the congress agenda, will be based on proposals contributed by the local groups. The bulletin will be sent out 12th January. Previously we have had one day focussed on organisational and practical proposals and one focussed on more ‘theoretical’ discussions. We will follow this format if the contributions lead us this way.

Practically Leeds Plan C commits to finding suitable accommodation and will pay for the food of attendees. We will arrange a social on the Saturday and will collectivise childcare arrangements. Attendees will have to arrange their own transport. Please email either Leeds, London, or Manchester Plan C (depending on your proximity) if you wish to attend so we can plan numbers.


Plan C