
Towards Acid Communism

Keir Millburn, Plan C Leeds.  To commemorate the writer, thinker, music commentator, father, revolutionary and Plan C member Mark Fisher we have been re-posting selections of his work, explaining why they mattered to us as his friends and comrades. I’ve chosen this talk given by Mark last year as it carries the most obvious influence of Mark’s […]

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Acid Communism

HIV, sexparties and plate-sized pupils: shamelessly for communism

Tadzio Müller works for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation as head of its Climate Justice- and Energy Democracy Desk. He has been involved for many years in the climate justice movement Interview: Carl Melchers Originally published in Jungle World 2016 having been rather eventful, what do you think the new year will bring? For me as

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For A Universal Basic Income

Since the 2008 financial crisis it has become increasingly impossible to survive on wage labour. In real terms, wages in the UK have declined by 5.5 percent since 2010; the fourth worst in the European Union. Combined with the reduction of the social wage and chronic unemployment (and underemployment) the situation is worse than any in

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International Antinationalism!

Introduction The following article was written in the context of the mobilisation for the international project “M31”, a European day of action against capitalism and the crisis. It is a first attempt to describe our approach of “antinational communism”*. Antinationalism is a fairly new, German-specific perspective on left-wing radical politics. It came about in the

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